Strict Limits Put On Prosecution of Cannabis DUI in Philadelphia
District Attorney Larry Krasner deviates from other Commonwealth prosecutors with one word – “No.” In a departure from the consensus of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association, Philadelphia D.A. Larry Krasner has stated, on the record, that his office will strictly limit the prosecution of cannabis-based driving under the influence (DUI) cases. Specifically, only those instances in...
New Jersey “off-the-job” Cannabis Discrimination Ruling Overturned
Appellate Court says employees cannot be fired or discriminated against for “off-the-job” medicinal use marijuana The laws regarding medical use of marijuana are in what seems to be a constant state of change as employers and employees, physicians and patients and of course, political officials all play a part in creating the new normal. Just recently the New Jersey Superior Court,...
Legalizing Recreational Marijuana Use by Adults Gains Momentum
Two Pennsylvania state senators co-sponsor a proposed bill to legalize cannabis without medical oversight. The legalization of marijuana for medical use is not the only hot topic in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania these days. In fact, two area state senators alongside both the Governor and Lieutenant Governor are looking at eliminating the ban on adult use of recreational cannabis....
Senate Introduces “420 Bill” to Federally Legalize Marijuana
Aiming to responsibly legalize, tax and regulate cannabis at the federal level. A federal bill that would legalize cannabis was introduced recently in the United States Senate. The bill is intended to remove marijuana from the controlled substances act and regulate it in the same manner as alcohol. Further it aims to responsibly legalize and tax cannabis at the federal level. The 420 Bill...
Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor Kicks Off Cannabis Legalization Hearing Tour
A State-Wide Series of Interactive Public Gathering to Discuss the Controversial Topic Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman kicked off a state-wide tour to discuss the issue of legalizing cannabis for adults. The tour, which will canvas the entire state, will engage the public as a means of gathering feedback and commentary to be presented in a report for Governor Tom Wolf. While...
Lawmakers Introduce Carers Act Reform Bill to Protect Medical Marijuana Users
Individual states now allowed to set their own policies for state-legal medical-marijuana businesses Federal lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives have introduced a bipartisan bill that would protect medical marijuana users and their physicians in states which have legalized marijuana. Initially created in 2015, the updated Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States...
Choose One: Medical Marijuana or Gun Ownership
Some sick people will have to make a difficult decision: Is taking the medicine they are legally allowed to obtain under state law worth surrendering their constitutional right to keep and bear arms? You can be an alcoholic, addicted to prescription drugs or have been voluntarily committed to a mental institute and still purchase a firearm under federal law. However, if you obtain a medical...
Massachusetts Court Protects Medical Marijuana Use by Employees
A great criminal defense lawyer knows the ins and outs of the legal system, and may be able to spot certain arguments and factors that could mitigate or even negate a potential crime.
Pennsylvania Doctors Now Able to Register to Provide Medical Marijuana Prescriptions
If you are looking at prison time or a criminal penalty, it is extremely important to hire a criminal defense lawyer. The legal system is designed and biased so that representing yourself in a criminal trial and expecting a good result is almost impossible.