Attorney referrals are a substantial component of the firm’s practice. Lawyers throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and indeed throughout the United States, refer their most important criminal cases to Neff & Sedecca. On countless occasions, well-respected attorneys have referred a client, a close friend, or a family member who has been approached by law enforcement or arrested and charged with a crime. To be held in such high esteem by other members of the Bar is the highest form of praise and respect.
We also welcome co-counsel relationships. Attorneys who wish to remain active in the representation, or appear pro hac vice, often retain this office as local counsel. Our knowledge and over 30 years of trial experience are an invaluable asset to the out-of-town attorney.
During protracted litigation, our state-of-the-art office suite, support services, and conference areas are available to out-of-town counsel throughout the trial.
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