Update: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Says “Yes” to Probationers with Valid Medical Marijuana
The Commonwealth’s Highest Court Reaffirms Immunity to Individuals Under State and County Supervision – Earlier this year, we discussed the status of cannabis law and the inconsistencies in matters of individuals who violate state and county supervision (probation or parole).
I’m on Probation with a Valid Medical Marijuana Card – What Are My Rights?
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Takes Up This Question – Governor Tom Wolf legalized medical marijuana in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 2016. THC-laden products became available two years later.
New Jersey Employers Cannot Fire Approved Medical Marijuana Users for Failed Drug Test
Patients approved for medical marijuana use under the state’s program are protected by the Law Against Discrimination.
Medical Marijuana and Probable Cause – The Verdict Is in
A Lehigh County judge rules search is unwarranted once a medical marijuana card is presented. The questions involving medical marijuana, and law enforcement, continue to evolve. From driving under the influence, usage in the workplace and in this case, probable cause to search a vehicle, there is no shortage of rulings as the courts apply new and existing laws to these cases. Some of the...
Lawmakers Introduce Carers Act Reform Bill to Protect Medical Marijuana Users
Individual states now allowed to set their own policies for state-legal medical-marijuana businesses Federal lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives have introduced a bipartisan bill that would protect medical marijuana users and their physicians in states which have legalized marijuana. Initially created in 2015, the updated Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States...
The Medical Marijuana Act in PA and Employment
The Medical Marijuana Act in Pennsylvania prohibits patients under the influence of medical marijuana from performing employment duties at heights or in confined spaces. 35 P.S. § 10231.510(2). Also, in regards to employment of patients, employers have discretionary authority in certain instances. An employer may prohibit a patient who is under the influence of marijuana from performing any...
The Need to Know for Potential Medical Marijuana Patients in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Act provides the guidelines to obtaining medical marijuana. Under the Act, medical marijuana can only be dispensed to a patient who “receives a certification from a practitioner and is in possession of a valid identification card issued by the department,” and also to caregivers who have a valid identification card. 35 P.S. § 10231.303. The caregiver is someone...