by Glori Gayster
New Jersey Supreme Court Provides Clarity on Tinted Windows and Motor Vehicle Investigatory Stops
For nearly 20 years, New Jersey law has provided clear language as it relates to the percentage of tint allowed on passenger cars, SUVs and vans.
by Glori Gayster
Neff & Sedacca, P.C. Partners Named Super Lawyers-Pennsylvania In Criminal Defense For Another Consecutive Year
Neff & Sedacca, P.C. is pleased to announce that partners Marc Neff and Matthew Sedacca have been once again recognized for their expertise in the area of criminal defense.
by Glori Gayster
The Cold and Hard Truth About “Compassionate Release” in Pennsylvania
Neff & Sedacca, P.C. successfully secured the immediate compassionate release of a convicted drug trafficker after 28 years in federal prison.
by Glori Gayster
License To Carry Firearms: A Brief Refresher on a Highly Debated Subject
We examine the number of applications for a License to Carry Firearms in Philadelphia and in the Commonwealth as a whole.
by Glori Gayster
Marijuana Smell Alone – Part II
The Highest Court in the Commonwealth Weighs in on Warrantless Searches Based on Marijuana Smell Alone
by Glori Gayster
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Says Yes to Comfort Dogs in the Courtroom
The old adage “dogs are man’s best friend” has taken on even greater meaning in the Commonwealth’s courts. A recent ruling by Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (Middle District) has given the green light for witnesses in criminal trials to be accompanied by comfort dogs.
by Glori Gayster
Drug Convictions No Longer Impact Federal Student Aid Eligibility
The school year may have just begun but for those looking to qualify for college financial aid, it is never too early to apply. One of the options available is offered by the Department of Education and known as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
by Glori Gayster
The Mandatory Reporting Laws and Consequences in Pennsylvania Regarding Child Abuse are Getting Tougher
Take Note: The “Who – What – When” Requirements and Penalties Associated with Failures to Report – Reporting alleged child abuse is the law in Pennsylvania and failure to meet a mandatory obligation is a serious offense.
by Glori Gayster
Castle Doctrine Rights Make Good On An Olden English Judge’s Words
Understanding the laws of using force for self-protection and protection of others – Centuries ago English Judge Sir Edward Coke coined the phrase, “For a man’s house is his castle.”
by Glori Gayster