In today’s world of computerization, criminal background checks are frequently a prerequisite to employment or state licensing. In many circumstances it is possible to obtain expungement orders to erase any prior involvement with the criminal justice system.
Whenever a person is arrested, or charged with a crime, a “record” is created of this event. In most cases, fingerprints and photographs are taken and these are distributed to the numerous law enforcement agencies throughout the country. For example, a person arrested in Philadelphia would have his fingerprints, photographs and other identifying information distributed to the FBI, the Pennsylvania State Police, the Philadelphia Court System, the Philadelphia Police and the Computerized Data Processing Center for the Court System. These records exist even if the charges are dismissed or if a person is found not guilty following a trial. Expungement is the process of obtaining a court order that directs the law enforcement agencies to destroy these records.
Confidential Consultation
If you believe that you are under investigation, have been subpoenaed before a grand jury or arrested and charged with a crime, contact Neff & Sedacca, PC for a confidential consultation by phone at (215) 563-9800 or email at