It is absolutely essential, if you desire to pursue an appeal or post conviction petition that you hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer. That lawyer should have experience trying cases, as well as writing appeals. With years of trial experience an attorney can spot the issues and narrow their focus for the appellate briefs. Moreover, deadlines are strictly enforced. If you miss a deadline, you could be out of court and the appeal could be dismissed. At Neff & Sedacca, our lawyers have decades of experience trying cases and fighting appeals in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Often, clients that have been convicted while represented by other lawyers come to this firm to pursue their appeal. Appeals are a lengthy process. Part of that process is trying to keep the client out on bail while the appeal is pending. Otherwise, a person may wind up serving the sentence while the appeal is pursued.
Confidential Consultation
If you believe that you are under investigation, have been subpoenaed before a grand jury or arrested and charged with a crime, contact Neff & Sedacca, PC for a confidential consultation by phone at (215) 563-9800 or email at